Carta de Farrell Dobbs para Gerry Healy

Carta de Farrell Dobbs para G. Healy 25 de outubro de 1953 [Farrell Dobbs foi um…

Os Trotskistas Chineses e o Pablismo

A experiência chinesa com o revisionismo e o burocratismo pablista Por Peng Shuzi [Esta carta aberta…

On the Propaganda Perspective

On the Propaganda Perspective [Originally posted on Feb 7, 2003 at An exchange between an…

A Lei do Desenvolvimento Desigual e Combinado

A Lei do Desenvolvimento Desigual e Combinado da Sociedade George Novack [Esta obra, produzida em 1957…

Ted Grant e a Seção Britânica da Quarta Internacional

Carta Aberta para a S.B.Q.I. (Seção Britânica da Quarta Internacional) Por Ted Grant Setembro/outubro de 1950…

A Juventude do SWP e a Legalização do Aborto (1958)

Garota de 17 anos morre de aborto Onde estão os verdadeiros culpados? Por Judy Mage [Originalmente…

James P. Cannon sobre Anarquismo

James P. Cannon Sobre Anarquismo [Esta carta de James P. Cannon à dirigente do SWP norte-americano,…

International Communist League on Afghanistan

International Communist League on Afghanistan The following rwo interventions were reprinted in Trotskyist Bulletin #8 “Afghanistan…

Chapter 12 – The Theoretical and Programmatic Heritage We Claim

The Marxist proletarian movement reached its highest point in the 20th century with the organization of…

Chapter 11 – The Bureaucratized Workers’ States and the Tasks of the Transitional Epoch

After years of fierce civil war and foreign invasion, during which the proletarian vanguard was physically…

Chapter 10 – Permanent Revolution

The theory of the Permanent Revolution was formulated in the early 20th century to describe the…

Chapter 8 – Bourgeois Democracy and the Proletariat

Whether it has a democratic, semi-democratic, or dictatorial character, the apparatus of the bourgeois state remains…

Chapter 9 – Imperialism

Modern imperialism is a world economic system characterized by an international division of labor in which…

Chapter 7 – Marxism and the State

The state that governs capitalist society is not a structure that can be used to defend…

Chapter 5 – The Ecological Question and the Question of the Land

In the countryside, the working class is relatively more geographically dispersed, but it is concentrated in…

Chapter 6 – The Movements against Oppression

The capitalist system and its state maintain and expand countless forms of social oppression not strictly…

Chapter 3 – Party and Movement

The Marxist nucleus or organization that does not direct its attention and energy to the existing…

Chapter 4 – The Trade Union Movement

Gathering thousands or even millions of workers under the same organization formally in charge of defending…

Chapter 2 – The Need for a Militant Propaganda Group

Most of the organizations that claim to be socialist no longer see the overcoming of capitalism…

Chapter 1 – The Historic Period in Which We Live

The 2008 economic crisis inaugurated a new period in the international class struggle. The capitalists’ global…

Organize an International Marxist Proletarian Nucleus!

The Programmatic Manifesto of Revolutionary Regroupment Originally published in Portuguese in September 2020. Translated and adapted…

Demystifying China

An analysis of the class character of the state, the economy and workers’ struggles

Russia’s War in Ukraine and NATO’s Imperialist Siege

Translated by comrades of Bolshevik-Leninist (Australia). Since the original publication of this article the situation has progressed significantly…

La guerra de Rusia contra Ucrania y el cerco imperialista de OTAN

Acerca do Chamado por uma Assembleia Constituinte na Argentina

Acerca do Chamado por uma Assembleia Constituinte na Argentina [A seguinte carta foi escrita por um…

World Trade Center Terror Bombing

World Trade Center Terror Bombing U.S. Imperialist Rule: An Endless Horror [The following is an IBT…

Mais sobre a política da LCI no Afeganistão

LCI em Nova Iorque e Paris: Uma História de Duas Cidades O presente artigo foi originalmente…

Por que os socialistas reivindicam “Defender o Iraque”?

Porque os socialistas reivindicam “Defender o Iraque”Neutralidade Diante do Imperialismo A presente carta foi escrita pela…

Os Revolucionários e a Perspectiva de Propaganda

Os Revolucionários e a Perspectiva de Propaganda O texto a seguir é uma polêmica de 2003…

Polêmica sobre reagrupamento revolucionário

Polêmica da TBI com a LCI Sobre “Reagrupamento Revolucionário” A presente polêmica foi publicada em “1917”…