BEA to RR (7 December 2018)

RETURN TO THE MENU Dear comrades of the Revolutionary Regroupment We just started a political discussion…

[Iran:] History Takes its Vengeance

SWP/USec Criminal Tailism [Iran:] History Takes its Vengeance [Originally published in Workers Vanguard No. No. 239,…

Another Cuba? What Next for Nicaragua?

Another Cuba? What Next for Nicaragua? For Workers and Peasants Government – Not Bourgeois Sandinista Junta!…

Histeria imperialista sobre Afeganistão: viva o Exército Vermelho!

Originalmente publicado pela então revolucionária Spartacist League (EUA) em Spartacist n. 27-28, inverno de 1979-80. Traduzido a partir…

Dictatorship of the Proletariat or NDP in Power?

Workers Government: Dictatorship of the Proletariat or NDP in Power? [Reprinted from Spartacist Canada Aug./Sept. 1979]…

A workers government without revolution?

British centrists search for halfway house A workers government without revolution? [Reprinted from Spartacist Britain #11,…

Portrait of a Healyite Scab/Spy

Portrait of a Healyite Scab/Spy [First printed in Workers Vanguard #231 11 May 1979. Copied from…

Ernest Mandel: um centrista para todos os momentos

Essa versão foi traduzida a partir daquela impressa em Spartacist en español nº 7 (1979), e…

For a Trotskyist perspective in Turkey

Enough of opportunism, adventurism, Bundism— For a Trotskyist perspective in Turkey [WSL’s Pre-Conference Discussion Bulletin No.…

The Rebirth of British Trotskyism

One Fifth of WSL Walks Out, Fuses with the iSt The Rebirth of British Trotskyism [reprinted…

Student Struggles Engulf Brazil

Pitched Battles Against Police-State Regression: Student Struggles Engulf Brazil [First printed in Young Spartacus #56, July/August…

La OCI resucita el Buró de Londres

Traducido de Workers Vanguard no. 95, 6 de febrero de 1976. Esta versión fue impresa en…

Early Bolshevik Work Among Women of the Soviet East

Early Bolshevik Work Among Women of the Soviet East [First printed in Women and Revolution #12,…

Early Bolshevik Work Among Women of the Soviet East

Early Bolshevik Work Among Women of the Soviet East [First printed in Women and Revolution #12,…

IWD: A Proletarian Holiday

International Women’s Day: A Proletarian Holiday [Originally published in Women and Revolution #8, Spring 1976] Bourgeois…

Kim II Sung

[First printed in Workers Vanguard # 125, 17 September, 1976] 4 September 1976 To the Editor:…

Marcyites Call for “Peaceful Reunification” … of the “Global Class War!”

[First printed in Workers Vanguard #125, 17 September 1976] The Workers World Party (WWP) and its more…

I.S. on Korea: “Third Camp” Social-Pacifism

[First published in Workers Vanguard #125, 17 September 1976] The bloody clash last month at Panmunjom between…

Origins of Canadian Pabloism

From Trotskyism to Reformism Origins of Canadian Pabloism By Arnold Michaels and Murray Smith [First printed…

U.S. Out of Korea!

American Imperialism Rattles Sabre in Korea [First printed in Workers Vanguard #123, 3 September 1976] AUGUST…

Mario Muñoz: Minero, dirigente obrero, exilado perseguido

Por el Comité de Defensa de los Prisioneros Obreros y Marinos en Chile Extraído del Suplemento…

A Talk on the Labor Party Question

A Talk on the Labor Party Question by Jim Robertson [Reprinted in Young Communist Bulletin #3…

Letter from the iSt to the WSL

Letter from the iSt to the WSL international Spartacist tendency BCM Box 4272 London WC1V 6XX…

Kim’s North Korea: “Socialism in One Family”

Kim’s North Korea: “Socialism in One Family” [Originally published by the then revolutionary Spartacist League’s youth…


Extraído del Suplemento en Español (abril de 1976), publicado en Workers Vanguard n. 108, de 7…

Dirigente obrero chileno amenazado de muerte por junta militar argentina

¡Salvar la vida de Mario Muñoz! Extraído del Suplemento en Español (abril de 1976), publicado en…

El peronismo cavó la vía

Golpe militar en la Argentina (extracto) [Traducido de Workers Vanguard No. 103, 2 de abril de…

¡Romper con el peronismo, estalinismo, guerrillerismo – por un partido trotskista!

El fin del régimen peronista en la Argentina por la Organización Trotskista Revolucionaria (OTR) de Chile…

Un régimen burocrático anti-obrero

Guerrilleros en el poder Traducido de Workers Vanguard No. 102, 26 de marzo de 1976. Esta…

Guerrilheiros no poder

Um regime burocrático antiproletário Originalmente publicado pela então revolucionária Spartacist League (SL, EUA) em Workers Vanguard…