Race — Social or Biological? by David Dreiser Source: International Socialist Review, Vol.21 No. 1, Winter…
Categoria: Política
An Open Letter to Members of the Socialist Labour League and Other Marxists
An Open Letter to Members of the Socialist Labour League and Other Marxists by Peter Fryer…
The Russian Revolution & the American Negro Movement
The Russian Revolution & the American Negro Movement by James P. Cannon [Originally printed in International Socialist…
Girl, 17, Dies of Abortion
Where Does the Guilt Really Lie? by Judy Mage [First printed in The Young Socialist, Vol.1…
Lenin jako filozof
Peter Fryer „Lenin jako filozof” Z „Labour Review”, pisma Socialist Labour League w Wielkiej Brytanii, wrzesień-październik…
Don Harris and His Epoch
Don Harris and His Epoch By Tim Wohlforth [First published in Left Wing Bulletin, April 1957,…
THE SHAMAN AND THE SWAMP by S. Aesop [First published in Left Wing Bulletin, April 1957,…
The Suffragist Movement
Women Who Won The Right to Vote The Suffragist Movement by Joyce Cowley Joyce Cowley was…
Trade Unionists And Revolutionists
Trade Unionists And Revolutionists by James P. Cannon Delivered: May 11, 1953 in New York. First printed…
Lessons of the Chinese Revolution
The Problem of Leadership and Program [by Vincent Grey (Vince Copeland) [First printed in Fourth International,…
The Chinese Experience With Pabloite Revisionism And Bureaucratism
by Peng Shuzi [This open letter to James P. Cannon by the veteran leader of Chinese…
A Letter to Trotskyists Throughout the World
[The following letter was first published in the 16 November 1953 issue of The Militant. From…
Report on the Chinese Situation to the Third Congress of the Fourth International
The Causes of the Victory of the Chinese Communist Party over Chiang Kai-Shek, and the CCP’s…
The Battle of Koje Island
by James P. Cannon [First printed in the Militant, June 16 1952. Reprinted in Notebook of…
Letters exchanged between Daniel Renard and James P. Cannon, February 16 and May 9, 1952
[Originally published in Internal Bulletins of the SWP and the International Bulletins of the International Committee.…
Where is Pablo going?
by Bleibtreu-Favre, June 1951 [First posted online at http://www.marxists.org/history/etol/document/fi/1950-1953/ic-issplit/04.htm ] [Revolutionary Regroupment note: While expressing confusion on…
Open Letter to B.S.F.I. (British section of the Fourth International)
by Ted Grant September/October 1950 First posted at http://www.tedgrant.org/archive/grant/1950/bsfi.htm [Editor’s Note: ‘B.S.F.I.’ means the British section…
Against the Theory of State Capitalism
Against the Theory of State Capitalism Reply to Comrade Cliff By Ted Grant, 1949. Original source:…
A Revolução Chinesa
[Por Ted Grant. Originalmente publicado em janeiro de 1949. Tradução para o português realizado pelo Reagrupamento…
The Chinese Revolution
Published by Ted Grant in January 1949 WITH THE spectacular advance of the Chinese Red Army,…
Letter on Yugoslavia Sent to the IEC by the RCP (Britain)
by Jock Haston Sent to the IEC by the RCP (Britain) [Copied from http://www.marxists.org/history/etol/document/icl-spartacists/prs4-yugo/rcptoiec.html ] The…
Czechosłowacja: powiązane problemy
Ted Grant, kwiecień 1948 Od tygodni kapitalistyczna klasa świata skomle nad środkami podjętymi przeciwko kapitalistom w…
Declaration of the International Communists of Buchenwald
From the Archives of Trotskyism Declaration of the International Communists of Buchenwald [Printed in Spartacist #26,…
Deklaracja Międzynarodowych Komunistów z Buchenwaldu — 1945 r. (Archiwum Historyczne)
W tym roku mija 80. rocznica napaści nazistowskich Niemiec na Polskę, czyli wybuchu wojny światowej. Konflikt…
Fourth International Theses on Ireland (1944)
Copied from http://www.workersrepublic.org/Pages/Ireland/Trotskyism/thesesonireland1.html Vested Interests and the Border Britain, far from deriving super-profits out of her occupation…
„Antynazistowskie powstanie robotnicze w getcie warszawskim”
„Antynazistowskie powstanie robotnicze w getcie warszawskim” (Art Preis dla „The Militant”, organu trockistowskiej amerykańskiej Socjalistycznej Partii…
लीओन त्रौत्स्की का वसीयतनामा
लीओन त्रौत्स्की (1940) लीओन त्रौत्स्की का वसीयतनामा प्रेषक: https://www.marxists.org/hindi/trotsky/1940/testament.htm मेरा उच्च रक्तचाप (जो कि बढ़ता जा…
Testament of Leon Trotsky
Testament of Leon Trotsky My high (and still rising) blood pressure is deceiving those near me…
Socialism in One City
Milwaukee’s Brand of Socialism Socialism in One City by James Boulton First printed in Fourth International,…
A Letter to Trotsky from Vietnamese Trotskyists
A Letter to Trotsky copied from http://www.marxists.org/history/etol/revhist/backiss/vol3/no2/trotsky.html The following letter of greeting was sent to Trotsky…