Fighting Against the Stream

Fighting Against the Stream by Leon Trotsky April 1939. [First printed in Fourth International [New York],…

Problem Polski

Problem Polski Z „Workers’ International News”, gazety brytyjskiej trockistowskiej Międzynarodowej Ligi Robotniczej, t. II nr 10,…

Fighting Against the Stream

Fighting Against the Stream by Leon Trotsky April 1939. [First printed in Fourth International [New York],…

Transitional Program on Youth and Women

Open the Road to the Woman Worker! Open the Road to the Youth! by Leon Trotsky [Excerpted…

Lew Trocki: Nauczcie się myśleć

Przyjacielska sugestia dla pewnych ultra-lewicowców The New International, Vol. IV No. 7, lipiec 1938, pp. 206–207. Niektórzy…

Splinters in Politics and Art

Splinters in Politics and Art (excerpt) by Leon Trotsky (1938) “In the June issue of your…

On the Founding of the Fourth International

On the Founding of the Fourth International by Leon Trotsky (October 1938) First printed in Fourth…

Workers’ and Farmers’ Government [Extract]

Workers’ and Farmers’ Government [Extract] by Leon Trotsky (1938) Extracted from the Transitional Program and originally…

Lekcje Hiszpanii

Ralph Lee i Ted Grant Lekcje Hiszpanii Maj-czerwiec 1938, przedmowa do broszury Lwa Trockiego „Lekcja Hiszpanii-…

The Champion from Far Away

The Champion from Far Away by James P. Cannon [First printed in Labor Action, January 16,…

The Struggle Against the Youth

The Struggle Against the Youth by Leon Trotsky [Excerpted from The Revolution Betrayed, 1936, Copied from…

Thermidor in the Family

Thermidor in the Family by Leon Trotsky [Excerpt from the book The Revolution Betrayed, 1936. Copied…

Trocki o „czcicielach faktu dokonanego”

Pierwotnie zatytułowane „Przyjaciele Związku Radzieckiego” które było dodatkiem do książki „Zdradzona rewolucja”. Po raz pierwszy potężny…

O Termidor no Lar

O Termidor no Lar Seção do livro de Leon Trotsky, A Revolução Traída (1936). A presente…

Trotsky on “Worshipers of the Accomplished Fact”

Trotsky on “Worshipers of the Accomplished Fact”   [Originally titled “The ‘Friends’ of the Soviet Union”…

The Soviet Thermidor

The Soviet Thermidor   by Leon Trotsky   [Chapter 5 of “The Revolution Betrayed: What is the Soviet…

What is a “Mass Paper”?

What is a “Mass Paper”? By Leon Trotsky 30 November 1935 [Published in The Crisis of…

A Stupendous Bureaucracy

A Stupendous Bureaucracy by Max Shachtman [First Printed in New International Vol.1 No.3, September 1934. Copied…


Początek lat 30. w Stanach Zjednoczonych to ciężki okres dla amerykańskiego proletariatu. Wraz z Wielkim Kryzysem…


THE DECLARATION OF FOUR (1933) On the Necessity and Principles of a New International Written 26…

Hail, ‘Young Spartacus’!

Hail, ‘Young Spartacus’! by James P. Cannon [First published in The Militant, October 24, 1931] One…

O Planeta sem Visto

O Planeta Sem Visto Por Leon Trotsky. Trecho do Capítulo 45 de sua autobiografia, Minha Vida…

El Planeta sin Visado

El Planeta sin Visado Por Leon Trotsky. Extracto de lo Capítulo 45 de su autobiografia, Mi Vida (1930).…

The Planet Without a Visa

The Planet Without a Visa By Leon Trotsky. Excerpt of the Chapter XLV of his autobiography, My…

Communism and the Family

Communism and the Family by Alexandra Kollontai [First Published: in Komunistka, No. 2, 1920, and in…

O Comunismo e a Família

O Comunismo e a Família Escrito pela dirigente bolchevique Alexandra Kollontai e originalmente publicado em Komunistka…

Leviné’s Last Speech

Leviné’s Last Speech copied from This is the speech delivered by German Communist leader Eugen…

Order Prevails in Berlin

Order Prevails in Berlin by Rosa Luxemburg First printed in Rote Fahne 14 January, 1919. Copied…

The Third International

The Third International by Alexandra Kollontai † [First printed in The American Socialist, Oct. 23, 1915.…

Civilised Europeans and Savage Asians

Civilised Europeans and Savage Asians by V.I. Lenin [First printed in Pravda No. 87, April 14,…